Friday, December 20, 2013

most of gonzalez catan

DSC00112There has been some civil unrest in some parts of Argentina lately. We have not experienced it in our mission. However, we did hear that there would possibly be some road closures later tonight. So, we met with most of the missionaries from Gonzalez Catan. Then we left early so we could all get back to where we need to be. We will meet with the rest of the missionaries there soon.
We saw these four missionaries waiting at the bus stop on our way out of town, and I had just a second for a quick candid shot.

Hay disturbios civiles en algunas partes de Argentina. No hemos visto esto en nuestra misión. Sin embargo, escuchamos que va a tener algunos cortes esta noche. Entonces nos reunimos con la mayoría de los misioneros de Gonzalez Catan. Salimos temprano entonces todos pueden estar donde necesiten estar. Vamos a reunirnos con los otros muy pronto.

Vimos a estos 4 misioneros esperando su colectivo cuando salimos y tuve un momento para sacar una foto candida.

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