Thursday, October 27, 2011


Last the best of all the gang?

Even though we planned the zone interviews in conjunction with interviews that Presidente had previously scheduled with the stake and district presidents,  it turned out that Moreno is number one in the mission this month.


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All of the chapels have some kind of soccer playing area. Since it was such a


gorgeous day, we decided to have lunch on the paved area next to the field.


It was a day of congratulations and celebration. Someday I’ll have to post a whole blog about Argentine ice cream. In the meantime, I’ll just say that the missionaries were very happy when Presidente and Elder Godfrey started making banana splits for dessert. They would have been happy to have had any kind of dessert as it is a rarity at mission events…ice cream…that’s the best.

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Then it was back to the purpose of our meeting.


Today we completed about 3000 minutes of interviews. It truly was a pleasure this month to talk with each and every missionary, individually and collectively. Presidente took this picture of me giving my message for the tenth time. He gives a customized spirit-filled message to each zone, but my message is pretty much the same, and I still get nervous every single time. Thankfully, I don’t get nervous chatting with the missionaries individually, and I especially love how they are all helping me improve my Spanish.

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The Marvelous Moreno Missionaries



  1. felicitaciones Moreno!!!!Allí esta el Elder Gonzalez de Córdoba!!Es un joven valiente y poderoso, hijo de una familia admirable. Nuevamente felicitaciones a todos los elderes de Moreno por su gran esfuerzo y obediencia meticulosa.

  2. ELDER CERDA! qué orgullosa estoy de ti! Que les vaya bien a tooodoooos! :D
