Actually, Presidente did interviews with the office missionaries this morning. Late this afternoon we drove to Lujan to finish up the interviews for this quarter. One of the companionships was meeting up at the chapel to do divisions with some members of their branch when we arrived. Since their interviews were later on, they had planned to come back and study for a little while before their turn. However, during the division, in a bicycle misadventure, pants were ripped. They were happy they had built some extra time into their schedule and hurried home. Need I say that when they returned back, they were looking great!
Actualmente el Presidente hizo las entrevistas con los misioneros de la oficina esta mañana. Mas tarde manejamos a Luján a terminar con las entrevistas para este trimestre. Uno del los compañerismos estaba reunido en la capilla para hacer divisiones con algunos miembros de su rama cuando llegamos. Porque sus entrevistas eran mas tarde ellos han planeado regresar y estudiar un poquito mientras esperan su turno. Sin embargo, durante la división, en una aventura con sus bicis, se le rompieron los pantalones. Ellos estuvieron felices que tuvieron tiempo extra en su horario y fueron a su pensión. No es necesario decir que cuando ellos regresaron, ellos estaban muy hermosos.
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