Monday, November 14, 2011

one less appendix in the mission


After church yesterday, we were at the mission offices and received a phone call that Elder Foster had bad stomach pains and was coming in. It turns out that Elder Foster had been having a stomach ache for 24 hours and now it was severe. So severe in fact that I saw his pension-mate, Elder Mather, lift him out of the remis like one would cradle a small child and carry him to Presidente’s car. Elder Foster is not a small child, but last night he was a man-child in an incredible amount of pain. It was the undoing of me. I stood at the door and wept while I watched. This would be the reason why Sister Cox takes care of the medical issues in our mission.


Presidente and Elder Cox took on Elder Mather’s job when they got to the hospital. They didn’t exactly carry him in, but it was pretty obvious that he was draped over their shoulders. When the attendant nurse saw them coming, she opened the doors to the triage and he was immediately number one bypassing the room full of people waiting to be seen.


Four doctors, inconclusive x-rays and ultrasounds later, it was decided to do exploratory surgery. Thankfully.

Elder Foster was released this afternoon. He is walking on his own again, slowly, but he will still be spending the next couple of days here at the mission home.

1 comment:

  1. Gracias por cuidar a "nuestros pequeñitos".Como madre me siento tranquila de que mi hijo este al cuidado de personas amorosas y responsables.A traves de esta experiencia puedo saber que cualquier misionero que este en problemas sera atendido como un verdadero "hijo".
    "En cuanto lo hicisteis a uno de estos, mis hermanos mas pequeños, a mi lo hicísteis"
