Monday, February 13, 2012

getting to know the refuerzos

The city has turned pink! I thought the only color in Buenos Aires was the purple of the jacaranda trees. Now it is perfectly clear that there are equally as many silk floss trees. They are native to Argentina and bloom from February to May. The trunk is bottle-shaped and they are known locally as Drunken Stick trees. I have to admit they are every bit as beautiful as the jacaranda trees!


We had a gorgeous view of their thousands of flowers as we took our latest group of refuerzos for a drive down 9 de Julio and then on the the park, Tres de Febrero.DSC01431-1DSC01419

After repeating the church history, we had a sort of official photo moment.


Continuing our journey to the mission home we stopped to enjoy the nice view of the city (in the background) down by the river. These missionaries that arrived so pale from the MTC just 13 days ago have clearly been out. Their bronzed faces and dusty shoes tell the story.


Presidente spent much of the afternoon in a personal interview with each of them. We made sloppy joes for the first time here at the mission home and they went through about 30 of them along with two giant watermelons, chips and mint brownies. One of them said that they thought we would have milenesa today. They must have been asking around. That is the traditional meal for new arrivals, but today, they got a traditional American meal.

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