Sunday, October 20, 2013

kioscos, halloween and mother’s day


I have been wanting to post some pictures of the kioscos. The missionaries use these little stores all the time to pick up a quick snack. I am sorry to report that generally, the snacks are not considered healthy. You can find kioscos everywhere!  They often have an overhang outside the shop…maybe because the shop itself is too small to accommodate very many patrons.

For example, the shop in the picture below is sandwiched between a jewelry store and a store for home goods and is no wider than an alley way.DSC07839DSC07840 

There are larger kioscos that sell a whole variety of candies, except for Halloween candy.DSC07838DSC07841DSC07844

DSC07834Halloween is not a holiday in Argentina and it is difficult to find “halloween candy” for the “Fiesta de Las Golosinas.”

The candy store where I took this photo on Friday was super busy…but not because it was the only place selling Halloween candy. It was super busy because today is Mother’s Day in Argentina and the shoppers were making purchases for their mommies.


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