A few days ago, Presidente and I received the notice that Elder Evans would be visiting Buenos Aires this week. We were asked to attend several meetings with him. While we are always thrilled to have visitors from church headquarters and especially when that visitor is the head of the missionary department, we were also wondering how we would possibly manage transfer week and the visit. I have to say that it has been tricky.
Sooo…the Pastores were off with the assistants to see the city. It looks like they found an SUD truck. SUD is equivalent to LDS in Spanish…Santos de los Ultimos Dias. However, the SUD truck is actually part of an international shipping company.
I have the photographic evidence that they made it to all of our favorite places and it looks like they even saw an interesting stage set up in the Teatro Colon.
Presidente and I were finally able to join them when they got to Recoleta, and we spent the last couple of hours together.