Monday, February 24, 2014

missionary leadership on monday


We normally have missionary leadership council on the last Friday of every month. However, on Friday, Presidente and I were invited to a meeting with the area presidency and Elder Ballard and those who were traveling with him.

There were other missionaries in the office this morning, mostly traveling to capital for the paperwork. I caught a few pictures before the meeting started and everyone headed off to their various activities for the day.

I shared this quote:

As part of his grand design, you and I are taking our turns on earth. We come to these parentheses in eternity shorn of everything but our customized spiritual DNA, preset to assist us in transforming the human compromise we have become into the men and women of God we formerly were and will yet be. That spirit body within is intuitively analogical; that is, it helps us see similarities or analogies between things around us here on earth and things of the spiritual world—it helps us, in other words, to trace the divine “pattern in all things.” The search for divine patterns is grounded in the key pattern, which I will call the All Things Are Spiritual Pattern, for the Lord told the Prophet Joseph, “All things unto me are spiritual” (D&C 29:34). And that same Lord, speaking to Moses as Jehovah, explains not only that “all things . . . are spiritual,” but reveals that “all things have their likeness, and all things are created and made to bear record of me . . . ; things . . . above and beneath: all things bear record of me” (Moses 6:63).

It is from this talk
which is really interesting!

And also this video

We talked about obedience specifically from Abraham 4.

Presidente worked on the nuts and bolts of the missionary work. Then we separated to address gender specific issues before finishing up this morning.


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