Friday, September 2, 2011

zone leader council

I love listening to the missionaries sing. It is so beautiful. It takes my breath away

Every Time! 

When I was preparing for the mission this particular hymn gave me a lot of strength, and I often found myself repeating the words to the third verse:

“Fear not, I am with thee; O be not dismayed!
For I am thy God, and will still give thee aid;
I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand,
Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand.

When I am asked my favorite thing about the mission, I always hesitate. There are so many things to love…and this is one of them.

The zone leaders counseled, listened, studied and ate.  DSC02241 DSC02242 DSC02245 DSC02251  DSC02220 DSC02222 DSC02225 DSC02227 DSC02234 DSC02239DSC02248

Last of all, they gave a report about their Zones.

zl collage

Left column

Elder Aldave & Elder Ramirez - Castelar

Elder Goodworth & Elder Walsh – Moreno

Elder Valencia  & Elder Rounds – Aldo Bonzi

Center column

Elder  Barrios & Elder Weiss - Merlo

Elder Johns and Elder Mather – Gonzalez Catan

Right column

Elder Day & Elder Bush – Ramos Mejia        

Elder Steele & Elder Kupihea – Chivilcoy

Elder Quackenbush & Elder Gutierrez - Oeste

Elder San Martin & Elder Bauldemero - Lujan

Elder Sepulveda & Elder Rodriguez – Marcos Paz

1 comment:

  1. Es emocionante escuchar a estos valientes misioneros el himno QUE FIRMES CIMIENTOS!
    La obra misional es maravillosa para servir a los demás compartiendo el evangelio con todas las personas y ademas para hacer de nuestros hijos e hijas mejores personas. Gracias Pte y Hna Carter por enseñarles eso!!
